Utmankhel.com, launched by Utmankhel Society. This website will enable you to get the information about the Utmankhel culture & history of Malakand, Bajaur, Mohmand, Mardan, Province of khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Province of Balochistan and other areas of Pakistan.

The Utmankhel tribe’s website, where you can find the latest content and news about our social and political activities. The Utmankhel Tribe is a proud and ancient Pashtun tribe that has a rich history and culture. We are committed to preserving our traditions, promoting our values, and advancing our interests in the region and beyond.

In this website, we will share with you the stories, events, achievements, and challenges of our tribe members and leaders. You will also learn about the history, culture, and customs of our tribe, as well as the current issues and opportunities that we face. We hope that this blog will inform, inspire, and engage you with our tribe and its vision.

We invite you to join us in this journey of discovery and dialogue. You can comment on our posts, share your feedback and suggestions, and connect with other readers who share your interest in our tribe. You can also follow us on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, where we post regular updates and interact with our followers. We are just introducing our Utmankhel Tribe & Community.

Thank you for visiting our website and for your interest in our tribe. We look forward to hearing from you.


Our aim is to spread awareness about our Utmankhel community’s values and norms, peace and love between the people of Utmankhel community.